If you told me on 70 days ago , when my son was transported to wilderness that I would feel so positive just 70 days later….I would have laughed.
At The School Solution we know that 2020 has been especially rough on children who have been home for months during quarantine. As summertime is almost here, many families in the U.S. are considering the option of wilderness therapy this summer for their struggling students. With the help of the educational consultant team at The School Solution, enrolling your child in an effective wilderness therapy program this summer can help you and your family to create new expectations, new hope and new beginnings.
Internet addiction is one of the many issues that students have been facing after months of home schooling. As psychological and emotional disorders, distresses and addictions rise, wilderness treatment continues to grow as a necessary and effective therapy option for students and their families. The results of ongoing research for therapeutic wilderness programs continue to validate a significant improvement for struggling adolescents, teens and young adults.
In the last decade wilderness therapy programs for students during the summer have brought evidence based and informed therapeutic techniques and therapists into the great outdoors as a source of healing and growth. Wilderness summer programs are a safe place where young people can begin to understand why they are currently struggling. Families who come to The School Solution with students, who are failing to manage their home, school, and social life in an age-appropriate way and need help rebuilding their lives, can find the support of professional therapists and intensive clinical assessment & intervention.
If you want to find out more about the benefits of wilderness therapy in summer the time to act is now. The School Solution can place your struggling student in some of the most superior therapeutic wilderness programs in the United States. The educational consultants at The School Solution are affiliated with more and more programs offering tailored approaches for young people and teens with clinical diagnoses or to focus on pervasive substance use problems and addictions. Our unmatched clinical and family wilderness treatment options can assist young people and their families in making positive changes in their lives and relationships.
There are so many benefits to having your child attend a summer wilderness therapy program. In most households this year everyone was so busy and stressed during the school year, that perhaps they began to lose touch with one another,” A summer program of wilderness therapy can help students to focus, start speaking the same language and put together a plan to make the next school year more successful.
From the beginning to the end, summer wilderness therapy for your child will be guided by professionals and experts as they go through the wilderness experience, providing structure, boundaries, nurturing and healing all along the way. There are a variety of therapeutic methods and evidence-based modalities that can be used to help students move towards solution-oriented approaches for healthier functioning.
There are many benefits of wilderness therapy treatment for students, such as:
The School Solution is an educational consulting practice owned by Karen Mabie, and has helped thousands of families over the years. Our licensed clinicians recognize the legacy of the great outdoors and wilderness as safe and effective treatment option for struggling students. Our goal is to provide solutions to the challenges you face at home, especially when other options have been unsuccessful. The School Solution can help you and your troubled teen build new paths to success.
There are many different wilderness programs with unique approaches; the key is finding the right place for your child. ‘Therapeutic Wilderness’ summer programs are special places where young people can begin their journey back to health and strength. The School Solution has the professional expertise to help you make wise, well-informed decisions that can positively affect your child’s future at this crucial time.
Call The School Solution today to find the best treatment schools for teens: 848-242-0865, or send Karen an email at kmabie@theschoolsolution.com for more information.
If you told me on 70 days ago , when my son was transported to wilderness that I would feel so positive just 70 days later….I would have laughed.