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Supportive Schools for Learning Disabilities

Supportive Schools for Learning Disabilities - The School Solution

Supportive Schools for Learning Disabilities – The School Solution

Watching your son or daughter struggle with a learning disability can be heartbreaking. You’ve undoubtedly tried many different options in the hopes of helping them. When those don’t work the way you’d hoped for, it can be devastating. You may feel like you’re at the end of your rope. You so badly want them to succeed in a traditional school, but you just don’t think it works for them.

There are so many educational options, and it’s a huge decision to make. However, it is important to remember that you are not alone in this decision.

Supportive Schools for Learning Disabilities

If your son or daughter is struggling with a learning disability, it may be wise to consider supportive schools for learning disabilities. Supportive schools for learning disabilities, unlike therapeutic boarding schools, run on a regular school schedule and have normal breaks throughout the year. They do not include family therapy and focus more on educational challenges. Supportive schools use individualized lesson planning and other modifications to provide a unique academic structure for each student’s needs.

The attentive and creative teaching methods of supportive boarding schools can help adolescents who have previously struggled in traditional school settings, and they are not all built the same. The pace of these supportive schools can range from rigorous to more laid-back. They also may be college prep-focused or include a few more therapeutic aspects for students with mental health struggles. There is a unique schooling option for your child that will fit their specific learning style. When it comes to choosing which supportive school is the best fit, no parent should have to do it alone.

Learning disabilities are often misunderstood and treated incorrectly by schools and teachers. It is not entirely their fault, as some schools may not have the resources or training to deal with learning disabilities in their students. What is even more frustrating is that often times, a student with a learning disability may be highly intelligent and capable of great achievements, but they are continually disregarded or placed in learning environments that do not serve them.

Learning disabilities come in many different forms including:

  • Auditory Processing Disorder
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dysgraphia
  • Dyslexia
  • Language Processing Disorder
  • Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
  • Visual Perceptual Deficit

The School Solution Helps Place Students in Supportive Schools for Learning Disabilities

When therapeutic educational consultant Karen Mabie founded The School Solution, she made it her mission to help struggling adolescents find the educational and/or therapeutic setup that is best for their individual needs. These teens and pre-teens may be struggling with any number of challenges, including mental health issues, addiction, learning disabilities, and more.

These issues often get in the way of the crucial time in your child’s life when they are receiving an education. When parents contact The School Solution, they may be at the end of their rope, worried, and uncertain of what to do next. Karen meets all of her clients with a non-judgmental, determined approach, believing every child can succeed if given the right environment and treatment.

Karen Mabie, who is a professional Education Consultant and board member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association, visits over 60 schools each year in order to evaluate the therapeutic and academic services they offer. She then thoughtfully interviews family members, teachers, and other professionals to determine the child’s needs and strengths.

Her thorough and passionate work has earned her the designation of “Certified Educational Planner,” the highest level of standards in professional educational consulting. Her extensive experience in educational psychology and consulting equip her with the tools needed to find a perfect fit for each student who comes her way.

Getting Help

Sifting through supportive schools for learning disabilities can feel overwhelming. When you allow professionals to step in, the big decisions you are facing become a lot less daunting and uncertain. This can take an immense weight off of you and your family. Supportive boarding schools are designed with your child in mind, and they understand that some students need a different academic approach.

A new approach to the way they are being taught can make a huge change in your child’s wellbeing and education. When it comes to finding the right supportive school for learning disabilities for your son or daughter, the time is now, and you are not alone.

Don’t second guess whether this is the right choice. Trust your instinct, and contact Karen Mabie with The School Solution, today, to get the process started. Call us at 847-242-0865 or email at kmabie@theschoolsolution.com.

There is hope. Let The School Solution help you find the answer.

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Even though we were in a crisis situation, Karen was very enjoyable to work with.

- Parents of son