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Are There Schools for Suicidal Teens?

Are There Schools for Suicidal Teens? - The School Solution

Are There Schools for Suicidal Teens? – The School Solution

For those of you who are in desperate need of help for your suicidal teen, this article is for you. Here at The School Solution, we are constantly looking for the best program for your troubled teen’s unique problems. Teens will struggle with changing bodies, social pressures, and other concerns as a normal part of growing; however, suicidal tendencies should not be taken lightly. This is why educational consultant, Karen Mabie, will work tirelessly to find the correct program and schools for suicidal teens.

What Is Influencing Your Child?

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), “Suicide is the third leading cause of death among youth age 10-24.” This period of transition between adolescence and adulthood can be deeply challenging, especially with the increase of social media and added awareness of other people’s lives. Additionally, a new show called, 13 Reasons Why, has sparked more conversation and criticism regarding depression in teens. If you haven’t had the chance to see it, read a recap of it so you can be in-the-know if the show comes up with your teenager. While the show has increased awareness of the severity of depression, it has also created some backlash.

Even now, some mental health experts noted that this show could have a backlash for teens already suffering from depression. According to Alexa Curtis, founder of Media Impact and Navigation for Teens in an article for Rolling Stones, said the heavy material could make someone on the edge think, “Oh, that’s an easy way out. This is going to get me the attention I need. This what I have to do.” You can read more about the show from CNN.

Even though it is unlikely that a single TV show could trigger a depressed teen to take a grave step, there is a theory called “suicide contagion.” This means that those exposed to someone’s suicidal behavior or images could lead to copycat behavior. If you have noticed suicidal tendencies and language in your teen’s life, now is the time for positive action. Seeking out the help of Karen Mabie, with The School Solution, is the first step in the right direction.

How Can an Educational Consultant Help My Suicidal Teen?

We understand this is a trying and difficult time for you and your family. No one expects to end up in this position, and it’s important to know you are not alone in this struggle. An Educational Consultant can help navigate this challenging situation by finding an appropriate school for suicidal teens.

Karen Mabie will assess your child’s academic, social, and therapeutic needs in order to match your teen with the right school. Sometimes it’s simply enough to remove your teen from a stressful situation and place them within a treatment-centered program. There are countless programs throughout the US that specifically help treat troubled teens. The School Solution helps you sort through these without feeling overwhelmed. Furthermore, an educational consultant’s core goal is to find a right fit for your child’s needs.

What Can You Expect From Treatment Schools for Teens Suffering from Depression?

  • Clinically-supervised treatment
  • Counseling: Group and One-on-One
  • Other Teens Going Through Similar Challenges
  • Familial Support
  • Open Enrollment
  • Year-Round Capabilities
  • Boarding School Experience
  • Continued Education to Stay on Track
  • Each Program Has Been Personally Vetted By Karen Mabie
  • And Much More!

The Process for Finding Schools for Suicidal Teens

In order to start the process for finding the best therapeutic boarding school or treatment program, we will need some essential information, such as academic and treatment history, family history, and current school evaluations. After the initial meeting there will be time to discuss goals, emergency treatment options and etc. At this point, we will create a list of programs and residential schools that specifically address your child’s needs. Karen Mabie will continue to be your family’s advocate throughout this phase, ensuring it is the right environment for your child to heal and continue on the path for a better life. See how easy The School Solution process can be.

Start The Road To Recovery Today!

Don’t second guess whether this is the right choice. Trust your instinct, and contact Karen Mabie with The School Solution, today, to get the process started. Call us at (847) 242-0865 or email at kmabie@theschoolsolution.com.

There is hope. Let The School Solution help you find the answer!

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Thank you, Karen, for all you did for me and my son.  You knew the best place for him…the only place for him. 

- Mom of a son