I am so grateful to Karen for navigating us through the world of teen help.
Children innately have a love for learning and education even if they don’t realize it. As parents, educators, counselors’ advocates and caregivers, we see very clearly that children begin exploring their capabilities, and the world around them from a very young age. Although they may not yet be aware of it, they find comfort and confidence by investigating everything and everyone that they come in contact with.
At The School Solution we believe that even during these very challenging times in 2020, that our children, teens and young adults can continue to foster that love for learning and education. As educational consultants we are committed to dramatically changing the educational and quality of life outcomes for our students and their families. By helping to advocate and find therapeutic or school solutions to improve the health and wellbeing of our students we securing a better love for education.
Recent events have altered education as we know it, and so far there isn’t a school or and institution that has found the perfect approach or solution to distanced learning. For those parents of school aged children who have had their homes turned upside down with the addition task of sustaining student learning outside of the school building, it is possible to adopt some promising home practices.
Here are some of the top tips from our educational consultants for promoting the love for learning in 2020:
Support & Encouragement: Expectations for completing projects and for perfection at home have been altered. Now is a great time to diminish performance anxiety and break some of the patterns the punishment and reward system creates. Being supportive and encouraging with what is, instead of what “should be” is a great step in securing a better love for learning.
Find The Fun: Children learn through play, adventure and fun. Learning is statistically improved when student get to take their eyes off of the computer screen and be engaged in fun activities. Just because they are fun, doesn’t mean they can’t be educational. One of the easiest ways to do this can be turning anything into a game. For example, even a drive home in the car can be an opportunity to make observations, count, sort, compare, and analyze. Helping you children with creative outlets like music and art is very important to your child’s development and also a lot of fun!
Foster That Love For Reading: It cannot be emphasized enough, that reading to you children and with your children is not only a bonding experience but it helps to stimulate higher levels of thought, imagination and solidify that love for learning. Students who have been read to since infancy show higher scores in both English and math. Their minds are like super sponges with the capacity for more than your computer so why not help them while they are young enough to soak it all in.
Give The Power Of Choice: Now that the restrictions of large group learning have let up it’s a great opportunity to et your child choose feel the power of choice sometimes when it comes activities and what to learn. When they feel that their voice matters they start to take more responsibility over their learning. This means that whenever possible try to let them pick things that are of interest. When given an opportunity to learn what they find interesting they are typically empowered and their self-confidence is boosted. This does not mean to let your child play video games all day long, but rather look together to find the kinds of games that can stimulate thought, problem solving, discovery and even strategy.
Nurture In Nature: There’s nothing better for learning than adventure, and no better place than the outdoors. Getting outside and into nature creates tons of opportunities to explore and learn about their world. There are countless lessons to be learned from nature, and the adventure doesn’t have to be a huge trip. Nature destinations can also include your own backyard, playground or park or even a trip to an outdoor market when nothing else is available.
Use Resources At Hand: The virtual power at our fingertips extends to enhancing capabilities in education. Even though the Internet can be a place to games the World Wide Web is also filled with many resources- from lectures, recorded events and tutorials to documentaries. Helping our children learn to navigate the world just as it is means acceptance. Moving forward we can all utilize this time to fine tune the best way to handle situations and find solutions, making the most of what we have and our disposal.
Even during these uncertain times, The School Solution has the professional expertise to help you make wise, well-informed decisions that can positively affect your child’s love for education at this crucial time. Helping your family find the best option for your child is our mission. Karen Mabie is affiliated with the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA). IECA members can be trusted to work with your family, address your child’s needs, and help find a proper solution and program. Karen Mabie also has many professional affiliations and memberships–such as Learning Disabilities Association, National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs, and many more.
No matter where you are in this very overwhelming process, you can always call, and visit and let us help you prepare the best plan of action. Call us today at (847) 242-0865, or email Karen Mabie: kmabie@theschoolsolution.com to get started on a journey back home.