Karen Mabie guided us through a scary stressful time in our son ‘s and our family’s lives, in a soothing, calm, confident way.
As defined by Concordia University-Portland, a school consultant works with “schools and individual families to optimize the progress of all students.” Therefore, a Chicago school consultant would work with families throughout the Chicago school district to find the best program and/or school environment for your child’s specific needs. A lot of struggling students can fall behind due to a number of factors, such as substance abuse, the wrong environment, and failing public schools. Unfortunately, the Chicago school district has faced decades of uncertainty, labor strikes, and falling budgets, and is currently bracing for the closure of four South side high schools this upcoming year. In addition, an increased social awareness of the threat of gun violence in schools has made this a great time of change and stress within this city and the country. This is why it’s crucial to let a school consultant, like Karen Mabie with The School Solution, step in to find the best options for you and your family’s specific needs.
While it might seem easier to choose a program by searching the internet, it can actually cause more stress than permanent solutions. A Chicago school consultant can help make this process more peaceful and efficient. There are so many changing aspects to any school district, and finding a suitable choice within your budget that also caters to your child’s specific needs is enough to make anyone feel hopelessly overwhelmed. You can see some of the many benefits of utilizing a Chicago school consultant, below.
This year has shown us all one thing: kids are under even more pressures than ever before. Not only are they dealing with puberty, college applications, and normal social pressures, they now have an increased fear of gun violence and dwindling school budgets. In an interesting article from an online news report, The Illinois Policy, it was revealed that there are currently 21,000 students in Chicago public schools attending schools that are failing. They are significantly behind in basic K-12 education. In addition, failing schools with dwindling budgets don’t have enough for extracurricular programs, let alone specialized AP Courses, substance abuse assistance, or special education. Since having access to quality education predicts how successful you will be later in life, it is even more beneficial to hire an educational consultant to help your child succeed.
Contact Karen Mabie by phone or through email, or visit The School Solution today to start finding the best fit for your struggling teen. Connect with The School Solution on Facebook and LinkedIn and sign-up for their blog & newsletter.
Karen Mabie guided us through a scary stressful time in our son ‘s and our family’s lives, in a soothing, calm, confident way.